Sunday, April 17, 2011

The Pantry Game

Have you ever noticed how much food you throw out?  Yeah, neither did I until recently.  My pantry and freezer are stuffed, and honestly I had completely forgotten about half of the things I had bought!  So in a fit of spring cleaning, and perhaps guilt, I decided to try a "game" if you will.  How many meals could I create from the things already in my fridge, freezer and pantry, adding only $20 a week for fresh items if needed.  So here we go.

My first item is something great if you tend to have left over lunch meats and cheeses: mini frittatas.  You can find the recipe here:

So the basic recipe can be changed to use the ingredients in your fridge.  For example, I had some left over shredded sharp cheddar and lunch meat.  But use whatever meat and cheese you have, or flavors that you love.  If you want to make it vegetarian add whatever veggies you have on hand.  

 Pour into a muffin tin thats been pre-greased.  I use my measuring cup that has a spout on it to pour the eggs.  It's so much easier than ladling or spooning it in.
In The Pan
And voila!  Easy frittata 9 minutes later.  I take two to work every morning.  They heat up easily in the microwave and taste great up to 5 days later.  Add some fresh fruit and your favorite coffee or tea and its a great breakfast.

So there you have it.  Super tasty way to get rid of some of the lunch meat and cheese left over in your fridge.  On to the next!  

Live on purpose.  Live with passion.  Until next time.